Most powerful Twitter monitoring in Iran

Use Netbina telescope to track Twitter mentions, discover conversations around your brand and keywords, search for Influencers, and become the best in customer service.

Twitter search works in real time, making sure you can reply to brand mentions and answer urgent questions as soon as possible, as well as keeping an eye on your brand’s reputation. We calculate potential impressions for Twitter as soon as the tweet is published before its peak maximum engagement.
We only show you the Twitter mentions that matter. Netbina telescope is a monitoring tool that helps you cut through all irrelevant mentions by providing you with boolean query tools, and filtering out all language feeds apart from Persian.

Monitor News Websites and online magazines in real time

Collect data from all important news sites and online magazines in Iran.

News monitoring helps to measure the effectiveness of your ads and PR activities, track competitors, and detect new players in your market niche. Netbina Telescope, tracks the most important news websites and online magazine blogs and news to monitor your brand and product reputation.

Telegram monitoring

Telegram monitoring is a part of our mission to help brands avoid major PR crises and protect their reputation online.

Netbina Telescope tracks the most important and popular channels on telegram and monitors all conversation in realtime.
